Focusing On Your Community's Future

Paseo Crossing

Vision Portal

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Make checks payable to "Paseo Crossing" and send to the following mailing address:

Paseo Crossing
P.O. Box 60516
Phoenix, AZ 85082-0516

Make sure to submit your payment at least 5 business days before the late date and include your account number on your check.

If these are not filled in automatically for you, below are the Management Company ID and Association ID needed for MutualPay.
  • Management Company ID: 1049
  • Association ID: 000PCR
  • Tip: make sure you pad your account number on the left with zeroes (0) to ensure that it equals a total length of 16 characters.

Pay Online by eCheck or Credit Card Need Help Paying Online?

Contact Info

Phone (480) 759-4945
When calling this number after business hours to report an emergency (not to discuss violation letters or account inquiries), please select 5 at the prompt.
Fax (480) 759-8683
Please include your name and lot/unit number in your email.
Address Paseo Crossing
c/o Vision Community Management
16625 S. Desert Foothills Pkwy.
Phoenix, AZ 85048

Community Team

Community Association Manager

Michelle Hepp

Assistant Community Association Manager

Katie Blouir

Community Accountant

Mario Duenas

Accounts Receivable Specialist

Kim Smith

Director, Community Association Management

Jen Amundson CMCA, AMS

New! File your Architectural Request Form Online!

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    2024 Community Update from the Board of Directors

    It’s been a busy year and as 2024 comes to a close, the BOD would like to highlight some of the community events from the past year.

    • At the annual meeting in November, two new board members were elected bringing our total board to five members. We look forward to working with Don and Kevin in the coming year.

    • Playground updates - We installed lighting at the park play structure including path lighting, uplights on 3 trees, and brighter gazebo lighting. So far, this has reduced vandalism. We replaced the aged, cloudy bubble window panel with a new tangerine colored zoo panel. We also increased playground cleaning and maintenance frequency from quarterly to every other month, while only increasing annual cost by $100.

    • In January, we posted private property / no trespassing signs along all gates from the paseo and at both entrances. We filed necessary enforcement paperwork with the Chandler police department.

    • At the February 20th Open Board Meeting, the Board approved a resolution relating to the repair, replacement and maintenance of walls within our community. This resolution was drafted with the assistance of legal counsel and clarifies the CC&R’s relating to existing financial responsibilities for the HOA and homeowners.

    • Several community areas were painted including interior walls, view fencing, utility boxes, and our entrance gates.

    • We executed a Right of Entry agreement with Google Fiber. We have been added to the list of communities which will get fiber installation when they begin building in south Chandler. A timeline is not yet available.

    • This is our second year working with Tree Dr. to trim our community trees. There are over 500 trees in our community! We have an assigned arborist who reviews all trees and identifies them as Priority 1, 2 and 3. The board approved trimming of all priority 1 trees in 2023 and 2024.

    • Financial highlights included completing an audit for the 12/31/23 financial statements, which is required by our Bylaws every 3 years.
    - This year we experienced several significant irrigation leaks, which are difficult to budget for. In an attempt to mitigate future leaks, we replaced the original irrigation controller and reduced water pressure to the community’s system.
    - Monthly financial statements are available on the community website.

    • Community events continue to be something that help make Paseo Crossing a great place to live. While your HOA dues fund a majority of the cost for these events, it is our selfless volunteers who make these a reality. We are always seeking volunteers and would especially appreciate a social committee lead.
    - 2024 activities included an Easter Egg hunt, a 5K Fitness before the Feast, movie night in the park, the purchase of American flags for both entrances, community blood drives, and a community citrus picking event to help address roof rats in our neighborhood.

    As we head into 2025, the board anticipates working on several large projects including the evaluation of our community’s roads and related future maintenance requirements, an irrigation infrastructure evaluation, and an updated reserve study which was last completed in 2020. Open board meetings are held the third Tuesday of the month at 7pm at Barro’s. There are no meetings in June, July and December. We hope to see you there!

    Community Newsletters

    February '23: Click here to view.

    April '23: Click here to view.

    August '23: Click here to view.

    December '23: Click here to view.

    March '24: Click here to view.

    May '24: Click here to view.

    September '24: Click here to view.

    2024 Community Update: Click here to view.

    Upcoming Meetings

    Open Meeting

    Date/Time: Tuesday, February 18, 2025 at 7:00 PM

    Location: Barros Pizza- NW corner Riggs & McQueen

      View Agenda

    An executive (closed) session shall be held at 6:00 PM.

    The executive session shall be a closed meeting pursuant to ARS §33-1248/33-1804(A)(1), (2), (3), (4), and (5).

    Community Documents

    Escrow / Resale Fees

    Community Map

    View Larger Map

    See Also

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